Friday, May 22, 2009

The Battle Hymn of the Republic

All week I have been meditating on possible connections between our theme of "The Holiness of God" and the observance of Memorial Day. The whole idea to do a slideshow grew out of my own arrangement of the hymn, "My Country 'Tis of Thee" for brass choir that was recorded a few years ago. As it turns out, we have too many slides for that length of piece. So I rummaged through my patriotic CD library last night, and found a perfect rendition of the Battle Hymn. I got chills and goose bumps when the line came up that said, "As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free." There is the connection! We will have a powerful service Sunday. God didn't want the video backed by my arrangement, but by this powerful hymn that ties the entire service together. He works in mysterious ways. As a treat to those following this blog, here is the slideshow in its current manifestation. I love each of you in the Lord! ~ Pastor Billy

For the story behind this inspiring hymn, visit: LINK

1 comment:

  1. Billy, this was a great tribute to those in our church family who have served in the defense of our nation and our freedom. I, too, got the chills and the goose bumps as I always do when singing that song. Thank you for posting this on the website. It was great.
