Thursday, April 30, 2009

Engaged to Jesus - Thursday's Theological Thought

It is staggering to think of how such a slight difference in thinking can make the difference between heaven and hell for a person. The simple flip of faith's switch, in which a spiritual lightbulb comes on in a person's soul, may seem so small on one level - but the difference it makes is everything.
For many Sunday worshipers, the difference between heaven and hell comes down to the difference between "I will" and "I do." This difference is so perfectly illustrated in our marital customs in America. In our culture, an engagement is far less permanent than the Biblical betrothal. Irreconcilable differences and even death can end an engagement before those individuals enter into a marriage covenant together.
So many within the walls of churches say they love Jesus (and they may be somewhat sincere). They sing the hymns with gusto; serve on committees; smile; go through the motions; and may even hold high offices in a church. They know the drill, the lingo, and after all this time, they might even have convinced themselves that they are on their way to Heaven. They date Jesus, but never walk the aisle with Him. When presented with an opportunity to respond to the Gospel, they say, "I will." But you aren't married until "I will" becomes "I do." "Someday, I'll accept Christ as my Savior," is not enough of a confession of faith for someone to enter into a covenant relationship with Christ. Only when you recognize that when Jesus carried your cross to "The Place of the Skull" and died in your place, He was demonstrating His love toward you and saying, "Will you marry me - enter into a permanent covenant relationship with me for all eternity?" Father God says, "Do you, Jesus, take this sinner to be your bride?" Amazingly, Jesus has said, "I do." The difference between heaven and hell is the difference between your saying "I do," and "I will" - between marriage, and mere engagement.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Great Commission Resurgence

The Great Commission Resurgence

Dr. Johnny Hunt (SBC President) and other Convention leaders (Drs. Akin & Reid - Southeastern Seminary) are spearheading a Convention-wide return to the most basic reality of the Christian faith: the Great Commission. When Christ left this earth, He gave us one thing to do - Make disciples from all the nations. Our Convention leadership recognizes that in reclaiming our zeal for God's Word, somehow our zeal for souls became chilled. I believe that this Resurgence will be even bigger than the previous one; this is the biggest revolution in our lifetime - without a doubt.

As I shared with Doc Reid via Facebook - it begins on the church level, as each church commits to becoming a Great Commission church. And even there, it begins on the heart level, as each believer commits to becoming a Great Commission Christian. With the implementation of the Great Commission Focus in our newsletter each week, and the goals of going out of the country each year at least twice with our churchwide mission trips, we are making bold steps at Stanley's FBC to becoming a Great Commission church. May God help us as we continue to move toward His goals for us.


Hello, everybody! My name is Billy Shaw, and I have the privilege of pastoring the First Baptist Church of Stanley, NC. I have decided to blog devotionals, theological tidbits, cultural commentary, humor, and church news through this site, so that our people, prospects, and community can see what's going on at Stanley's FBC, and come check us out. I've got some things planned to upload here already, and am looking forward to this becoming a sounding board for ideas for our church. At FBC Stanley, we love everybody, and want to become the community church. That's why the blog will be called "The Stanley Stylus." I hope you enjoy!

Billy Shaw, Pastor
First Baptist Church, Stanley, NC