Saturday, May 2, 2009

Saturday Saturation (Ideas for Our Church)

When someone once asked me what I wanted to do in my ministry, I began describing my burden to see churches planted. I was calling myself a church planter, but that missionary corrected me. The technical term for what I feel called to be is a church plant facilitator. Part of my vision for our church is to plant another church every 5-7 years. We can train the staff in our church for those five years, raise funds for five years, and then send them out. Here is a site that nails down exactly how this is done:

A preacher doused in gasoline shares Christ rather than renouncing him. This is the single most profound video I have watched in years:

LINK to Video

As we become a Great Commission church, there are scores of ideas and opportunities that we can tap into. Consider the idea from the IMB about adopting a people group! I think our church should definitely do this: Link to IMB Website

I grew up in a church where the youth group went out of the country at least once/year. That is my goal for our church as well. I am actively working with Trey Summerlin to develop some International and affordable mission trip options for our youth (middle school & high school). Here is a site with a TON of information for parents regarding logistics that allow you to search for opportunities around the globe. This is what God has called each of us to do.

Another decent site for this is:

And how bout something like this video to encourage folks to become more involved in Sunday School small groups?

Link to Video

Finally, Give me your thoughts on this church's site:

Pastor Billy

P. S. Some time when I have more time I'll learn how to embed this vids into the blog :(!

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